The Home of Baltimore's BettyButterflyBBBW

So much to little space!

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

I am a Big, Beautiful, Intelligent, Black, Young Lady from Northwest Baltimore. I am a Harmonic Refined Daughter of the King and a combination Betty and Butterfly BAP. I debuted with Baltimore County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in Novemeber, 2005. Also, an Aries and Dragon. Currently a freshwoman at the Texas Christian University. GO FROGS!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why should Mardi Gras continue...

...when there are still people in the City of New Orleans without homes, money or any means of support? Why should it continue when all the media cares to do is to latch onto every single comment that the (black, up-for-reelection) Mayor says like blood-sucking leeches, instead of what little action has been taken to rebuild the city? Why can Prince Charles visit and acquire land, as well as Donald Trump, before the bodies have stopped floating down the street, but FEMA (whatever the hell that is) cannot get together enough funds to keep people in hotels and give them the trailors (who really wants a trailor anyway?) that they need and deserve? I am thoroughly fed-the-fuck-up with this country. It makes no damned sense why this is happening! Where are our so-called "Black Leaders" now? You cannot just speak when something happens. One must continue to fight to keep this current news, not yesterday's news. Fuck Mardi Gras! That is so not important. Fuck the United States Government as well.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


SNOW...SNOW...SNOW...SNOW!!! Do a SNOW dance, Baltimore! It is coming!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The State of Black Funerals

Why is now that when black people die, their funerals become must-see events of the year? Coretta Scott King's funeral is the major black networking event of the year (so far), not a Homegoing celebration. They have Oprah, 4 Presidents of the US, all the black Congressmen (just about), Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder and other wannabees and major players as well. I hope that I never become so famous, that a SWAT team and a church that seats 10,000 is necessary. I plan to become big, but hopefully my funeral will not be a mockery or a Who's Who of Black America event! Did get to see a portion of my (former) Pastor's head and face yesterday when Andrew Young was talking about King at Ebenezer. That is the first that I have seen him since he left DMCC --> Ebenezer. I wonder how he is holding up.